Gambaran Penyakit Akibat Kerja Pada Nelayan


  • Adhinda Putri Pratiwi Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia


PAK, LBP, Dermatitis


Occupational disease is one of the diseases experienced by workers caused by their work. There are several risk factors that cause occupational diseases, including work equipment, materials used, work environment, and work processes. This study aims to determine the description of occupational diseases in fishermen. This type of research used was observational using a cross sectional study design. Based on the results of this study, an overview of occupational diseases in fishermen was obtained,  fishermen who had complaints of low back pain were 83 fishermen (84.7%) and those who did not have complaints of low back pain were 15 fishermen (15.3%). Fishermen who had complaints of contact dermatitis were 71 fishermen (72.4%) and those who did not have complaints of contact dermatitis were 27 fishermen (27.6%).


